Truck Accident Attorney Tampa
Incidentally, the commercial trucking industry is vital to the nation’s economy. But, due to the sheer size and weight of these vehicles, they present a clear danger to other motorists traveling on the roads. So, it is easy to understand why most commercial trucking accidents end a tragedy. Thus, if you are a victim of a commercial truck accident the truck accident attorneys at Car Accident Lawyer can help you.

As per the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, about 59 percent of all commercial truck accidents occur on U.S. highways like U.S. 92 or U.S. 41. Let alone, about 19 percent of them occurred on freeways and interstate highways. While the balance of them occurred on state highways, county roads, and minor roads. In fact, driver error is a common cause or contributing factor in most trucking accidents. Some of the more common scenarios follow:
- Speeding and reckless driving. Like other drivers who fail to follow the rules of the road, truck drivers put other motorists in danger. Not to mention, speeding, abrupt lane changes, and following a vehicle too closely are some of the leading causes of trucking crashes.
- Distracted driving like texting, talking on a cell phone or inputting data into a GPS while driving.
- Equipment issues. Worn tires and not replacing or repairing brakes affect a tractor-trailer driver’s ability to come to a complete stop.
- Drowsy or fatigued Drivers. Hours of service rules are in place. Given their tight schedules and the fact that they get paid on a per-trip basis, many drivers ignore these rules. Or, falsify records in connection to their actual hours of service.
- Improper Loading. Known for their danger load shifts can cause a truck to roll over or jackknife. The driver then has no control over the vehicle.
Simple physics tells us that if a commercial truck hits a car, will cause far more damage to the car than the large truck. So, here are some examples of common injuries suffered by victims of a large truck or commercial truck crashes:
- Traumatic brain injuries like concussions or even skull fragments piercing the brain. Traumatic brain injuries can be permanent or even cause death.
- Spinal cord injuries. A partial tear of the spinal cord can result in paraplegia. A complete tear can result in quadriplegia.
- Amputations that might be traumatic or out of medical necessity.
- Multiple fractures requiring surgery. These injuries almost always carry a level of permanency with them.
- Organ damage. These types of injuries often need surgery with a likelihood of permanency.
- Burns that cause extreme pain, suffering, muscle and nerve damage, and permanent disfigurement.
- Wrongful death is a direct and proximate cause of the occurrence.
Determining whether an individual or company is liable in a large truck accident can be confusing. Everybody will be standing around with one hand in their pocket holding onto their money while pointing at each other with the other hand. So, here are some of the parties who might be held liable in a large or commercial truck accident:
- A careless and negligent truck driver and his employer through vicarious liability.
- The cargo loader if the truck was overloaded or improperly loaded.
- The person or entity who provided maintenance services on the truck.
- The manufacturer of the truck or a component part on it.
Finally, you are injured in a large truck accident caused by a negligent driver, get help right away. At the law offices of Car Accident Lawyer, we are ready to help you. So, don’t hesitate to contact us today at 844-970-4370 for your free no-obligation consultation.