7 Steps to Take After a T-Bone Accident

7 Steps to Take After a T-Bone Accident

About six million car accidents occur in the US every year, causing over 90 people to die in car accidents daily. Another 3 million people sustain injuries, while 2 million drivers develop permanent injuries. If you were recently in a serious car accident, you might find yourself out of work as you heal. During that time, your medical bills and lost wages could begin piling up. It’s important to fight for the compensation you deserve after a T-bone accident. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay for your losses alone.

Don’t let it come to that! Instead, prepare yourself before an accident occurs. Here are the seven steps you need to follow after a T-bone car accident. Following these steps will help you gather the evidence you need. You can build a case to prove the other party was at fault for the crash. Gather the evidence you need to build your case with these seven simple tips today.

1. Move to a Safe Space Nearby

First, you’ll likely feel disoriented in the minutes following the crash. That’s normal. Try to take a deep breath.

Try to avoid panicking or acting out of anger. Your actions following a crash can impact your t-bone car accident settlement. Anything you do or say could impact your ability to fight for compensation.

Instead of panicking, try to remember these seven steps.

Above all else, make sure to prioritize your safety. You don’t want one car accident to cause another. If you feel safe to move, try to get out of the way of incoming traffic.

Make sure your car is safe to operate before moving it. If fluids are leaking from the vehicle or the tires aren’t functioning properly, move away from the car. Wait until the police arrive.

They’ll let you know how to proceed.

If your car seems safe to move, turn the hazard lights on. Then, move to a safe space nearby. Make sure to remain near the site of the t-bone car accident.

Make sure the other driver remains nearby, too.

Whatever you do, don’t leave the scene of the crash until the police indicate it’s okay. Otherwise, you could get charged for a hit and run. You might find yourself in even more legal trouble.

You’ll also struggle to file a T-bone car accident lawsuit if you leave the scene.

2. Check for Injuries

While you wait for the police to arrive, take the time to take stock of your injuries.

About 4.4 million people are severely injured enough after a crash that they require medical attention. If your injuries are severe, call for help from the scene of the accident. Otherwise, wait until after you speak to the police to visit a doctor.

If you plan on winning a T-bone car accident settlement, it’s essential that you visit a medical professional.

You might feel okay after the crash. That’s likely adrenaline masking the full extent of your injuries. Visiting a doctor will ensure you have documents proving you were injured.

Otherwise, the insurance company might argue you’re embellishing about the extent of your injuries.

Common T-bone car accident injuries include:

  • Whiplash
  • Lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Concussion or other head injuries
  • Spine and neck injuries
  • Paralysis

Have a medical professional assess your health after the crash. Keep a record of your appointments, medical treatments, and medications. Your T-bone car accident lawyer will use this information to calculate your losses.

3. Collect the Driver’s Information

While you wait for the police to arrive, take the time to gather the other driver’s information.

Don’t discuss who was at fault. Don’t blame the other driver for the accident. Make sure you don’t apologize, either.

In some cases, an apology is seen as an admission of fault.

Instead, get the driver’s name, phone number, and driver’s license information. Write down the make and model of their vehicle, too. Otherwise, avoid small talk.

You don’t want to say or do anything that can impact your t-bone car accident settlement.

4. Gather Your Own Evidence

After a T-bone accident, who’s at fault?

The evidence you gather could indicate the other driver was at fault for the crash. Common causes of fault can include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Driving under the influencer
  • Manufacturing problems
  • Drowsy driving

Don’t make any assumptions about what happened. Instead, gather evidence for your lawyer. They’ll conduct their own investigation to determine fault.

Make sure to get photo and video evidence of both vehicles. Then, write down your recollection of what happened.

It’s normal to forget details in the days following an accident. Writing down notes will keep the details fresh in your mind. If you forget anything, you can always consult your notes.

5. File a Police Report

In some states, you’re legally required to file a police report after an auto accident. Don’t skip this step. Make sure to talk to the police at the scene of the crash.

They’ll record the details of the accident. If necessary, they’ll file traffic citations, too.

You can use the official police report when filing your insurance claim. Your lawyer will request a copy, too.

Make sure to get the officer’s name and badge number before leaving the scene of the crash.

6. Contact the Insurance Company

Don’t forget to call your insurance company immediately after a T-bone accident. They’ll walk you through the steps you’ll need to complete.

7. Call a Car Accident Lawyer

Don’t hesitate to contact a T-bone car accident lawyer right away. The sooner you call a lawyer, the sooner they can build your case. They’ll use the evidence you gathered to prove the other driver’s negligence led to your injuries.

With their help, you can win your T-bone car accident settlement and receive the compensation you’re due.

What to Do After a T-Bone Accident: 7 Steps to Fight for Compensation

Make sure to follow these seven steps immediately after a T-bone accident. Following these steps will help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Then, you can cover your losses and medical bills without stress.

With an experienced lawyer at your side, you won’t have to worry.

Want to discuss the details of your case with a member of our team? We can help.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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